Sunday, August 24, 2014

2014/2015 School Year

John … eighth grade

Benjamin … sixth grade

Faith … third grade

Olivia … first grade

Alaina … our cute preschooler 

Sunday, July 13, 2014


The plans were to pack up on Friday and spend the weekend camping in the mountains.  Lists had been made and food bought…  but then on Thursday several fell sick and because it just wasn't just our family camping, we decided to stay home and keep our germs to ourselves.  That left our Saturday open and the question was quickly asked, "so, what will we do?"….  We talked of still going up to the mountains, or of going to a local lake, but after a quick search we found a park that we had yet to explore.  Off we went...

It really was such a fun and relaxing day; another reminder that, 
yes, we can still have fun when plans have to change.   

Friday, June 20, 2014


We have family in from California this week and knew that a girly tea party was in order.  My sister  planned on opening up her home, more specifically her backyard, knowing that with the warm summer days here we wanted to have it outdoors.  We talked and made plans, gathered decorations, and consulted with pinterest for some food ideas.   

  Today was the day and boy-oh-boy, memories were made.  The girls played with their dolls.  We laughed and took pictures.  We ate yummy food.  Such sweet, beautiful moments…  

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I've said all along that I was in denial.  How could we be leaving our home, a home that the Lord brought us to?  Even now, as our belongings fill our new home, pictures will crop up and I'll pause, wondering why we are here.     

I quickly remember though.  It was God who brought us there and God who brought us out.  He is good!  

And I learn again,  it's not the structure that we live in that makes a home.  It's the family that brings life to that home.  

Today we sit and soak in the sunshine.  Today we unpack boxes, decide where to hang pictures, and make plans for the land.  This land that the Lord has given us.  It's a new season.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Crazy and Sweet

This place has sat quiet for so long, I almost wonder if I remember it is here at times.  Life seems to have caught us up in a hurricane…  school books and laundry… a life with six kids… another move.

It's the fullness of lives being lived. Yet every now and then I get a little prick.  Sometimes it is so quiet and so light that I have a hard time even hearing it and I quickly move onto the next thought.  Some days, I hear it loud and clear, like today.  

Run… grab your camera…  

it seems to tell me

Stop… record these moments…  

And so, today, in between loads of laundry, and boxes that need to be packed...

Today, while the sun shines and the air is warm...

I stop.  I breathe.  I drink deep all that surrounds me.

There is the boy-man that is now in my life.  He's on the cusp of turning 13…  13!! … 
and here I catch him still playing and I wonder, how is it that he is turning 13.  
It may be the warm air and sun that calls him back to those days of yesterday.  
So today when I saw this, I had to stop, I had to stop and record this moment.   

And, these sweet girls.  Jumping, laughing and enjoying life together.  

It's in these moments when the warmth is refreshing my soul that I remember a simple word.  Grateful.  Yes, yes, there is so much to be grateful for.  School and six kids, moving boxes and laundry.  Our home is full and crazy.  And, yes, I am so grateful.  So grateful.

It's crazy and sweet beauty all at the same time.