Tuesday, May 24, 2011

For the record...

I don't like snakes.  Especially snakes that are huge.  They cause me to scream while others chase after them.  You can tell me how beneficial they are all day long but I still don't like them.  And I'll still scream.  End of story.  


Completely separate from the last picture, but again, it is for the record...

Brent joined the men and helped at our "community farm" during the castration of a couple of pigs.  Yep!   And we don't even have pigs!  But, we were there to be a part of it.  Should we be proud?


  1. I feel the same way about Spiders! And the pigs well... hmmm, lol :).

  2. For the record-there are many things I hate too and would scream at. You'd probably think I was nuts. We all have those creatures we can't stand and then we have the ones that don't bother us. Good training lessons for the boys to be protectors of their "women-folk".

  3. I absolutely freak about snakes too! And the whole pig stuff, um, he must have a servant's heart because I think I would have passed on that opportunity to help out!
