Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mrs. Robin

Day One  (April 13th) - We noticed that we had two birds trying to build nests right next to the house.  A little sparrow was starting to build a nest in the curve of our rain drain.  They were starting to bring in twigs from the field and I loved the thought of watching them make a nest and then seeing them have their babies there.  They were out of the way and yet we would still be able to watch them.  
And then there was our Robin.  She decided that a perfect spot to build her nest was right on our back deck light.  We were not thrilled about the spot she was choosing and tried to discourage her.  

Day Two (April 14th) Both birds are still slowly working on their nest.  Although, the Sparrow's nest just seems to keep falling down.  

Day Three (April 15th) We sadly knock down Mrs. Robin's nest.   She just has not chosen the best spot.  We are constantly going in and out the back door that is only about 3 feet from her.  We also love to eat dinner out on the back deck... so down it must go.  

Day Six (April 17th) She really liked the idea of her nest on the light and has kept building.  Down the nest goes again.  We are no longer seeing the sparrows.  I think they have given up trying to build a nest there.

Day Seven (April 18th) 6am - down it goes again.  Within hours she rebuilds.  

Day Eight (April 19th) After a nice rain storm she builds the "real" nest inside of the loose dry pieces of straw, weeds and grass.  We decide that the nest can no longer be knocked down.  The kids are thrilled at the idea of having Mrs. Robin lay her eggs right outside our back door. 

We start looking for information on Robin nests and discover that she will lay between 3-4 eggs, one egg a day.  The eggs will then take approximately 12 days to hatch. She will then feed her babies for about 10 days.  And then we read this:

As for the American robin, it is capable of producing three broods in one year. Only about 40 percent of nests, though, are successful in producing young robins. Meanwhile, only 25 percent of the fledged young make it to November and about half of the birds that survive in any year will usually make it to the following year.  Found here.

 Yikes!  It will be an interesting journey to say the least!

Day 12 and 13 (April 23rd and 24th)  We have not seen Mrs. Robin at all and wonder if she has finally decided to build her nest somewhere else.  

Day 14 (April 25th) Mrs. Robin is back but just in the morning for a little bit.  When she is not there, I run out to check her nest.  One egg.

Day 15 (April 26th) Mrs. Robin has been at her nest more today.  We decide that we should just use the garage door as much as possible as we'd hate to have Mrs. Robin abandon her nest at this point.   After lunch we notice that Mrs. Robin is away from her nest and so I run out to look.  She now has two eggs.


  1. What fun! Wonderful memories in the making! Such beautiful eggs! Hope you share more about the nest in weeks to come. :)

  2. Hi there, I didn't realize Robins eggs were blue-and a beautiful blue at that! Hopefully, she is now done with them and can sit and keep them warm-or do birds do that like chickens do?
    Love you.

  3. How WONDERFUL, Carrie! This is such a neat thing to be able to follow! :) We had a new bird to us at our feeder recently and were very excited...a rose-breasted grosbeak!

    Love that little library bag you made...great idea! And you photos are delightful! :)
