Monday, April 12, 2010

We've started!

It's almost been a year since we first stepped onto this land. We had called the realtor the night before, hopeful and yet so afraid to hope. It had been our dream to live on land. To have some breathing room. A place for the boys to build and create. A place for the girls to run and dream. Could it actually be happening?

We came early that morning; my parents joined us. We walked around this piece of land and prayed... could the Lord really be opening a door? The dirt was bare and full of weeds. But that's not what we saw on that Spring morning. We saw the mountains and heard the birds sing. We saw a place for building and running. A place where some of our dreams could become reality.

But still it was just His will that we wanted.

So, we walked forward. Seeking Him. Praying. And leaving it in His hands. We've learned that it is He who knows best...

And here we are a year later. We are in that home that He provided. It was nothing short of a miracle. We have painted and our boxes are all unpacked. The pictures are on the walls and the pillows are on the couch. This is our home. And for now, there is no other place we would rather be.

Now that Spring is here, it is time. Time to pull weeds and move dirt. Time to build and create. And we've started!

Never mind the facts. They just did not care. It did not stop them. It was just pure joy to run and jump to dig and roll. And, yes (!!!!), it is COW MANURE that we are having so much fun in.


  1. Yay, Carrie! I'm so happy for your family!

    What an exciting time. I bet the boys had fun with the dump truck. :)

    What is it that you are working on first?


  2. Carrie, I've been so blessed by reading the journey to Colorado, our Father has taken your family on. Wow, isn't it awesome when we just let go and trust HIM! And, now it's so exciting to watch your dream coming true and I love the pictures of all the fun your boys are having in the dirt! Special moments our DADDY is creating for a very special family, living for HIM! *Hugs*

  3. How wonderful, Carrie! What a great God we serve! :)

  4. Anna, We are working on the grass in these pictures. :)

  5. Hi, Somehow missed this post-probably because we have been busy settling back in. Love the photo of Mr. B in the manure(yuck)-what a blessing this home has been for you and yours and I know there will be many more years of blessings. Can't wait to help with all the work. Love you.

  6. Looks like a little boy's dream! :)

    (Came here through Purely His)

  7. Carrie,

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!

    It's so nice to read some of your blog and get a little taste of your life and the blessings God has given you--family and home!

    Maybe one of these days I'll make it out your way! I know several people in the state!

    Love and blessings, Angela
