Monday, January 26, 2009

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105

The snow fell peacefully on our Sabbath.  It's amazing how beautiful and peaceful it is...  a welcome addition to our day.  The boys played legos with Daddy quietly in front of the fireplace, the girls slept peacefully and as I sat in front of the fireplace, enjoying the warmth, I read through my journal of quotes and verses that have spoken to me.  These words that I was reading have challenged me and encouraged me.  They had brought life to my soul and again these words are stirring me.

Time for Church came and quickly found us waking a tired girl, grabbing snacks and jackets and jumping into the car for our drive. The sermon that was preached was simple and yet profound.  It didn't challenge my dogma but it did give me a lot to ponder.   I've been mulling it over today, reading the verses over and over again.  I'm thankful for a Church that preaches the Word of God.   I'm thankful for His faithfulness in teaching and training us.   I'm thankful for His Word...  it's brings life and it shows me how to walk.  

The Lord truly is my portion and my cup, the One who makes my lot secure.  (Psalm 116)  

When we seek God through His Word and prayer, we glean wisdom for walking carefully. We obtain guidance for daily decisions. We find peace in the midst of life's whirlwind. We are infused with strength to complete our tasks. Wisdom. Guidance. Peace. Strength.

My prayer this Monday is that my cup will drink its fill and flow forth.


  1. Great post! I guess we are all thinking along the same lines...
    such a vivid description~if dad reads it he'll be on my more about us writing a book.

  2. I stumbled into your blog today and was inspired. Inspired to be a better mom, a better Christian. Thank you!

  3. Wonderfully written, Carrie. I enjoy keeping a journal of quotes and verses that have encouraged me, too. It is so soothing to go back over them again and again, isn't it.

    Hope you have a really good week, my friend. :o)

